Barn Owl oil paintings

Barn Owl in Flight, Oil Painting inspired by the photography of Frances Crickmore

Original Barn Owl Paintings for Sale - One-of-a-Kind Artwork

Looking for unique artwork to add to your collection? Check out our original barn owl paintings for sale. Each piece is one of a kind and sure to make a statement in any room.

Discover the Beauty of Barn Owls.

My original barn owl paintings for sale are the perfect way to bring the beauty of these majestic birds into your home. Each painting is a unique work of art, capturing the intricate details and stunning colours of the barn owl. Whether you're a collector or simply looking for a beautiful piece of art to display, my barn owl paintings are a unique choice. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a one-off piece of artwork.

This first piece has light-reflecting particles alongside beautiful colours, texture and movement.

This painting was sold on its first day of the exhibition at White Dove Gallery

Please see my ‘Originals’ page for my very latest available Owl oil paintings.

Painting colourful birds in oil!

Here are some bird paintings in various stages of progress over the past month. This is a lovely project for a publishing company and its making me feel like Spring is finally here too!Once finished all of the original small oil paintings will be for sal

Beginning work on a new painting commission - Highland Cow in bright rainbow colours

Each Highland Cow portrait is a one-of-a-kind, unique oil painting. This little video shows the beginning stage of a new painting, which has been commissioned recently. Im going to film the whole process on this one and give the client the video along with the piece.

Re-working an older piece

This week I have been gathering my available paintings together and having a look at them with fresh eyes as I prepare for two exhibitions coming up in the Spring. With oil painting there is always the opportunity to return to an unvarnished piece and make some ‘tweaks’ at a later date. This week I decided to take 4 of my pieces to one side and give them a little facelift, adding a touch more vibrancy and contrast. This is possible by gently cleaning the surface and ‘oiling out’ the painting to provide a uniformly glossy surface to work smoothly onto. I then apply glazes of fresh colour, which can be removed , or partially removed to give the desired effect if necessary. I find this process super enjoyable and quite exciting.

Two of my bird paintings acquired a second set of wings along with the makeover!

Working on a pait of blackbirds

Working on a pait of blackbirds

Adding in a little friend for my lone Starling…

Adding in a little friend for my lone Starling…

Work in progress - Coonhound Mix Coda

This small oil is painted from a photo reference kindly supplied by permission of Karen Broemmelsick. I love this dog's expressive eyes. This is the third time I have painted a portrait of Coda.  I have a little work to do on the feet, which I will leave slightly deconstructed so as the keep the main focus on her eyes. 

Dalmatian Dog Portrait, Work in Progress

This piece is very nearly finished now. I have glazed the background in a few thin layers of Transparent Maroon (Winsor and Newton) and softened the edges on the shadow side of the dog. I like the warm effect. I have also altered the shape of his face slightly as I didnt have it quite wide enough after the first sketch and washes. I have to do a little work on his Right (our left) eye, and then he will be complete and ready to go on the wall.

'Donny' work in progress, final stages

'Donny' work in progress, final stages

Below is the reference photo that I took to work from for the Dalmatian painting. I cropped and adjusted the image in Photoshop first till I was happy with the composition.

dalmatian portrait.png