New paintings ready for release this week!

New horse Paintings for sale!

New Horse Portrait

‘Rubin’ is one of a new collection of paintings, the first since my accident - so they have all been painted on my bedside easel, in acrylic paints. This guy is 50 x 50 cm and will be available for sale after my current Bank Holiday Weekend exhibition has closed.

A Big Horse Canvas

My original painting is sold, and I have released the expressive horse picture ‘Mazarron. as a canvas print, in several sizes. A splashy piece full of texture and movement, I used inks to create a feeling of movement and energy flowing across the canvas. This is a Spanish horse, so I named him after the beautiful seaside town where Mum lives. Having been surrounded by horses all of my life, I enjoy painting the beauty and grace, I hope to create more in this series.

Easter Gift Guide

I thought it would be a lovely idea to put together a useful gift guide for smaller items in my print shop this month. I have some lovely bags and little books and prints which may fit the bill. Check it out here and if you enjoy it please feel free to share or Pin the page!

New Beginnings

I thought it would be a lovely idea to put together a useful gift guide for smaller items in my print shop this month. I have some lovely bags and little books and prints which may fit the bill. Check it out here and if you enjoy it please feel free to share or Pin the page!

Geese in Bed

Having been hospitalised for six weeks after my accident, I'm now making a good recovery and hope to be walking again in the next week or two. For now, I am sketching in bed and planning a new, bird-themed collection!

Sketching with pens

The goose is one of hundreds I photographed, while we were on holiday at Dunster Beach last September. He was making a display of himself in the sunshine after they all landed as a flock. Each morning they would land in small squadrons until hundreds of birds were gathered on the lake. They chased about for an hour, cackling, gossiping, socialising. Presently they fell to preening, and washing, and then dozed peacefully for the rest of the day.When evening came, they took an hour or so to form again into their groups, tension gathering. Suddenly as if on a secret signal, they began to lift into the air, group by group, a cacophony of honking and the tremendous beating of wings. I stood on the bridge each night and watched them leave, flying so close overhead you could almost touch them. Even after they were tiny dots in the distance, their voices continued to ring in my ears. I loved it! And I wanted to create a series of paintings inspired by these wonderful birds.

Perhaps I'll start it now, from my bed! and dream of those beautiful Summer evenings as I get out my sketchbook...

Watch the geese here!

Temporary contact for Sue

My regular email is having technical trouble so I have set up a new email as a temporary measure. I can also be contacted via my Facebook, Instagram, Linked-in accounts. The new email address is Please note, responses may take a little longer than usual while I'm in hospital.

A bit of a set-back

My partner and I had been looking for a fun form of exersize for ages, because we both need to lose weight and get fitter - Drs orders. I suddenly thought about Pickleball and so we went along to a session with our local club, as a sort of trial.

It was great! Fun, funny, challenging but low impact. Great! Unfortunately just before we finished I was stepping forward to stretch for the ball and my leg hyper extended and broke, and down I went.

So I've been in hospital since the 27th Jan working my way through a sea of pain, faintness and sickness. Initially the foot was in danger because the artery was damaged in the accident, so I had a major operation involving the orthopaedic and vascular teams. I have four pins into my leg bones. I'm screwed into an external frame which is holding those four pins steady and safe.

Soon I'm hoping to transfer to a rehab unit and from there, home. I will be off my legs for another six weeks then will begin the process of getting upright and walking. At some point I will need an operation to reattach my cruciates, but not now.

I simply can't wait to get home to my dogs, I have never been away from them like this, it's awful really.

As regards work, I'll have to find new dates for my February and March workshops, however I have plenty of spare weekends so this shouldn't be an issue. I'll get in touch with everyone over the next week to confirm changes.

I'll have to adapt my painting practice dramatically while I am immobilised.

Mark and I have decided to hold a very big sale of my existing art originals to raise funds to support me while I cannot work. This is going to involve very big discounts, so might be an ideal opportunity to acquire an original piece. At the same time helping me get over this set back, so I can continue to do the work that I love.

I'll release the special sale to my email list first, so please join it if you are interested 😊

'Fast and Free' Hares- Painting Workshop at White Dove Gallery, Shenton!

March 9th 10 am - 3 pm £70.00 Booking is through Tim at White Dove Gallery Phone: 07890 002127

At the White Dove Gallery, Shenton

Address: The Old Village Hall, Shenton CV13 6DP

All the materials needed for the day are provided, Spend the day with me painting, learning and socialising with a small group of friendly artists and take home your own unique and beautiful hare painting. Tea. coffee and cake included!

This workshop is suitable for beginners and seasoned artists alike. The focus will be on creating a painting with looseness and movement, using acrylic paints and acrylic inks. Simplify, free up your style and let the paint do (most of the) work! I will demonstrate the steps of my process throughout - I work in layers, so while I encourage you to paint spontaneously- there is plenty of time to relax in between layers. Hares are so beautiful: Shaggy yet elegant, scruffy and sleek, lollopy and engaging- they lend themselves very well to this type of painting technique.

A beautiful location in which to paint, light, warm and airy surrounded by inspirational art! This is a lovely opportunity to relax away from it all, whether you are already an experienced painter or someone who fancies trying out a new hobby.

Wear clothing that can cope with an accidental splash of paint, and get ready to have fun, relax and learn.

This workshop is suitable for 18 and over. Please be advised that the workshop is upstairs at the gallery.

A lovely review for my painting workshops!

‘The teacher was very good. Extremely knowledgeable and encouraging in a laid back way. Making you feel comfortable at all times.
The venue was nice and cosy, with small numbers that gave a more personal and attentive atmosphere.
Lots of tea, coffee and refreshments on offer.
A very productive, enjoyable day.’

A beautiful review left by Sue Woodcock who recently attended my ‘Big Cats ‘workshop. Thank you so much Sue, I loved reading this comment, it made my day! Glad you enjoyed it!

Painting Demonstration at The Atkins Building

I had a wonderful day at the gallery this week, painting a sheep in oils, and chatting to all of the lovely visitors. Fiona Marks was also in attendance, telling the stories behind her beautiful paintings that feature important women in history. We enjoyed it so much that we are going to do it again on the 19th Dec! See you there? See previous post for all the details.